CHICO! GET BACK IN THE HOUSE NOW! Damn dog! (dog walks back inside) BANG! (running up the stairs and sits in front of the computer) Hi everybody! What's up? Ah Chapter 5 finally (sighs) So in the last Chapter we found out the second mysterious person "Dravo"! What a coincident that he looks like Falcon huh. (giggles and draws heart shapes on a piece of paper) Well anyway find out what's gonna happen in the next chapter.

I just want to say that I do not own the characters from the show, but I do own the characters that the original's meet. You'll understand when you read.


The Vision of Escaflowne ~ The Dracoinian Sphere"


Chapter Five

The blazing fire flickered and twitch like it was dancing, to the sound of the wind in the trees. Merle stared at the flames, it reminded her of the dragon that she had encountered when they arrived on the Mystic Moon. Merle turned her gaze at Ryu who was sitting on the ground on her right hand side across from the fire sharpening his sword.

{He sort of reminds me of Van. If it wasn't for the ears, tail, and different hair color, I would swear that they were related.} Merle punched herself in the forehead, as she just realized on what she was thinking. {As If! .... He's nothing like Lord Van. For starters he's rude, obnoxious, annoying, bull headed, and a jerk. Lord Van are none of those thing's} Merle stiffened her posture as Ryu looked over at her.

{Man she's weird! For a girl that is. Though I got to admit, she's a looker! .... Huh!? What am I thinking!} A cold shiver ran down Ryu's back at the thought. {I can't believe I just thought that! What's wrong with me. She is annoying, obnoxious, a snot and a whiner, and she is a pest in my side. Though she does remind me of a girl in my home town. Minus the ears, tail, and the weird nose. I wonder where she's really from?} Ryu turned his gaze back down to his sword, when he noticed Merle's eyes starting to turn too look at him.

{Augh! What's his problem anyway's, doesn't he know how to start a conversation. I'm sooo bored!} thought Merle as she grabbed her tail and started to fiddle with it. {Is he just going to sharpen his sword all night!} Merle looked over at Ryu, and noticed that he slid his sword to the side. Merle waited patiently, for him to say something.

"Well I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight." said Ryu as he rolled over on his side.

"What! Is that all your going to say!" whined Merle.

"Well what do you want me to say!?" moaned Ryu, as he rolled on to his other side, facing his back at Merle.

"Well I thought we might talk or something!" growled Merle, when she noticed his back was facing her.

"Or something? What do you mean by something?" questioned Ryu, as he rolled back over again and faced Merle. Merle's face went beat red. "We'll?"

"I know what your thinking and your sick! I'm a lady, and I would never stoop that low, unlike you." snorted Merle, as she turned her head in disgust.

"Ha! If your a lady, then I'm king of the world!" chuckled Ryu, as Merle glared at him. "So you want to talk, so talk."

"We'll where are we heading? Why are you by yourself? And tell me about yourself?" said Merle, as she settled herself in for a looong conversation.

Ryu sighed to himself and thought why did he let this conversation start for. "I'M heading to Arnpria. I'M by myself because I HATE company! And the rest is none of your business!" said Ryu in a huff, as he laid on his back and rested his hands under his head. "And you? Why are you here, and WHY are you following me?"

"Welllllll ......." Merle trailed off. "I'm not from here. ......" Ryu looked at Merle. "I mean ... I'm not from this world.

"Not from this world? What do you mean?" asked Ryu, as he sat up.

"I'm from another world called Gaea. I was brought to this world by an annoying friend by accident. And now I'm stuck here! With YOU! You have to help me find my friends. I know that there in this world somewhere. Even if we just find Lord Van and Allen that will be fine." Merle looked at Ryu pleadingly. "Please you just got ta help me!"

"Will it make you go back to your world?" asked Ryu, Merle nodded. "We'll what are we waiting for! We'll start tomorrow morning, to look for your friends!!!!!"

"Really!? You mean it!?" said Merle excitedly.

Ryu nodded. {If it gets you out of my life, definitely!}a devilish smile spread across Ryu's face. "We'll we better get some sleep, if were gonna go search for your friends tomorrow." and with that Ryu turned around on his side and started to go too sleep.

"Night Ryu!!" chirped Merle happily, and then she too laid down and went to sleep.


(Van is leaning against the porch railing looking up at the night sky where three planets hang, and Allen and the twins are inside the cabin, getting ready for bed.)

{So were in Dai Ginga. ...... Another world, I wonder how many worlds are out there?} thought Van to himself. {Hitomi ..... don't worry I'll come and save you. No matter where you are.} A falling star streaked through the night sky. Van turned his head as he heard the cabin door open.

"Van? Are you all right?" asked Allen, as he stood beside Van. "Your thinking about Hitomi, aren't you?" there was a moment of silence between the two friends. "Don't worry Van we'll find her, and Merle too. Have hope."

{Hope? That's what Father Whales has said to me in town today.} thought Van, as he pushed himself away from the railing, and turned to face Allen. "Hope .....?"

Allen looked at Van, curious on what he was thinking. {He's worried about Hitomi. I know that's what's wrong.} Allen reached over and slapped Van on the back, making Van come back to his senses. "We'll it's time to get some rest Van, let's go inside."

"With them in there, are you sure we can survive the night with the twins!?" smirked Van.

"We'll you survived the stew didn't you?" said Allen as he shoved him inside the cabin.

"Hey Van! You can sweep here!!!!" yelled Dwalden, as he saw Van and Allen come in from outside. Dwalden ran up to Van and grabbed his hand and started to lead him towards the far wall.

"You can sleep there Allen." said Lila, as she pointed to a bed that was hovering over Van's bed. Lila and Dwalden grabbed the other two beds, that were located just across from Van's and Allen's, and got ready for bed.

Allen unhooked his sword and lowered it to the ground, and then he pulled off his boots, gloves, waist coat and vest, so that he was now wearing his pants and blouse. He took his other garments that he taken off, and folded them neatly on the floor by his sword, and then he raised himself up and climbed into the bed above Van's. Van placed his sword on the ground also, and then he removed his boots, and top, and then climbed into bed also. Van rolled over on to his side, so that his bare back was facing the twins.

"What happened to your back?" asked Lila as she noticed the whip marks across his back.

Van was silent for a few seconds. "There from a fight. ...... I got captured and they wanted me to talk, but I wouldn't ....." Van trailed off.

((the whip marks are from the episode when Hitomi, Van, and Merle were at the dragon excavation sight, and they got caught.))

"Did it hwurt?" asked Dwalden.

Van didn't say anything. "Sooo Lila, Dwalden." said Allen. "Could you help us with something?" the twins perked to attention, and nodded. "Do you know anything about a mysterious figure, that can control dragons? Or anyone that knows any sort of magic?"

The twins raised there hands to there heads and scratched. Van has rolled over and faced the twins, on his side, and Allen sat up and hung his legs over the side of the bed.

"We'll I don't know anyone in particular! ......" said Lila thoughtfully.

"Hmmmmm? It mwight be Dravo? ....." whispered Dwalden.

"Dravo? Who's that?" asked Allen.

"Dravo is the military general of Arnpria! He's like the ruler of that city really. But I wouldn't mess with him!! He's mean!!" said Lila

"Ya! You mwight say he's kwing!" said Dwalden as he stared at his sister.

"Dravo. ....." whispered Van to himself. "Is there anyone else?"

"Well ...... About five weeks ago, there was a rumor going around that Dravo had an accomplice. A sorcerer of some sorts. Ever since then the Arnpria continent has gone weird." said Lila as she tucked her legs underneath her.

"Maybe we should go take a visit to Arnpria, and take a look. What do you say Van, up to the challenge?" asked Allen as he looked underneath him.

"Sure am, I just hope we find something out about Hitomi and Merle while were there." said Van as he laid back down.

"Can we cwome too?" asked Dwalden.

"Ya can we?" chimed Lila.

"Sorry. It will be to dangerous for you to come. You just stay here for now, and we'll come back when we find the rest of our friends. All right?" said Allen.

"OOOkay!!!" said the twins, in a disappointed voice.

Dwalden climbed out of bed and poured some dirt on the fire, in the fireplace, making the flames to go out, and then ran to his bed. Then everyone laid down to sleep, and Lila blew out the candle that was beside her, making the cabin pitch black.


Dravo sat in his studies, he was thinking about the girl Hoshino. {It's a pity that she won't survive the procedure.} thought Dravo. {She is beautiful, if only there was a way of making her mine, without Baado interfering?} Dravo sat there for a moment as vision's of Hitomi filled his mind, but then faded away when visions of the young boy that he had encountered on Earth came to mind. {I should of gotten rid of him for good when I had the chance. What a pity that the girl Hoshino will have to see his death.} an evilish smile spread across Dravo's face. But then was interrupted as his second in command entered his room. "What is it Maru!?" growled Dravo.

"Sire. We have found two of the aliens that were sent here." said Maru, as he kneeled on one knee. Then from behind him five men were shown into the room. "These are the men that have reported them." Maru stood up and stepped to the side so Dravo could get a better look. Five muscular men stood in front of Dravo, four of which were badly injured. The five men explained on what happened at the cabin in the woods, about the twins, the rogue knight, and the straggly boy. Dravo listened intently, a smirk appeared on his face.

"Thank-you men for telling me such vital information." said Dravo calmly.

"Hey, do we get some sort of award for this?" said a scruffy voice.

"Well of course! .... Maru" Dravo looked at Maru and nodded. Maru turned around and motioned for the guards to come in and take the men away. "I hope you like your stay, while your still here." said Dravo.

"What hey! What's going on!?" said a loud voice.

"Hey let me go!" boomed a deep voice.

All five men were dragged away to the dungeon, where they would stay for the night, and then be executed in the morning. Dravo motioned Maru to come in closer. "Yes Sire?" asked Maru.

"I want you to go investigate and report to me at once when those two strange men leave the cabin. I want to know what there up to every single minute till they time they crap in the morning till the time they go to bed! Understood!!" ordered Dravo.

"Yes sir! As you command." and with that Maru turned around and left the room, leaving Dravo alone once again.

Dravo leaned back in his chair, and brought his right hand to his chin. "This shall be interesting to see. Mwahahahahahahahahaha!"


To Be Continued ....


Ohhh what does Dravo want with Hitomi. (does evil laugh) And what's with this thing with Ryu and Merle? Eyeing each other tsk tsk bad. (shakes finger at screen) The next Chapter, Chapter 6. You find out a little about the past through Hitomi's vision, about her grandmother. Ohhhh getting interesting! Well I hope your enjoying it so far bye. (blows a kiss at the monitor)