Dream Come True Outtakes:

KD = Kristy

RP = Rhonda

Kristy & Rhonda coming home:

Take 1;

Kristy and Rhonda arrives at Kristy's house, they are too go to the living room and start to play the Mobile Suit Game.

Kristy opened the front door and ran in with Rhonda behind her. But Kristy accidently drops her school bag infront of Rhonda, making Rhonda trip and land flat on her face.

KD="Oops sorry Rhonda! It slipped"


Take 2;

Kristy and Rhonda are now infront of the TV and they incert the Mobile Suit Game into the Playstation. They wait patiantly for the game to start, but only the logo appears.


KD="Damn! The game froze!"

RP="I thought I told you to get a new system!"

KD="Hey! We didn't have the money for a new system. That's what you get for running a

cheap film!"

Editor="Hey! I'm on a budget!"

(after 10 try's to get the game running)

Take 3;

Kristy and Rhonda are playing the game when a bright light is to gradually ingulf them.

KD="Yeah! we finally made it to the preventers base!"

Then a bright light flashed infront of the girls.

KD & RP="Ahhhhhhhh!"


RP="You IDI:OTS! That wasn't the cue for the light!"

Light people="Sorry!!!!"

KD="Agrh! The injustice of it all!!!!!"


Kristy & Rhonda in the Locker Room:

Take 1;

Rhonda and Kristy were teleported through the Mobile Suit Game, and are now standing in the guys locker room at the preventers base.

RP="Hey Kris? Where are we?

KD="It looks like were in a locker room?

RP="I know that but we were ..." Rhonda trails off, as she noticed Kristy rumaging

through a locker. "Kristy!!!!"

Krity turns around holding a pair of happy faces boxers.

KD="Do you think this will look good on me?"

Editor="CUT! Kristy what are you doing put those down!"

KD="Awwwww! But there sooo cute!"

Wufei walks around the corner, and notices the boxers.

Wufei="Hey those are mine!"

Take 2;

Kristy and Rhonda just finished there lines, and the five gundam pilots are supposed to walk around the corner.

Kristy and Rhonda turned around to hear voices coming around the corner. Then five half naked guys came around the corner. Wufei runs around the corner yelling WOMEN, Trowa grabs a towel.


Trowa looks down at the towel that has a female naked body on it.


Duo starts laughing and steps up beside Trowa but slips on a bar of soap on the ground and plumits head first in to the ground.


Take 3;

The five guys turn around the corner with towels wrapped around there waist's.

Editor="Hey guys your supposed to wear those tight skin like underwear, so you

look like your naked."

KD="How many times do we have to take this scene?"

Duo="Why should we be naked! It should be the girls!"

Quatre="This is sooo degrading of us"

The five guys leave, to get ready.

Take 4;

The five guys turn around the corner with towels wrapped around there waist's once again. Kristy crosses her arms in anger, and Rhonda throughs her script to the ground.

KD="Listen guys your supposed to be NAKED!"

Duo="Oh you mean like this?"

The five guys wip the towels off, showing all there glory.

RP="Ahhhhhhhh I'm blind!"

KD="Hmmmm! I never thought he be that small?"




5 Gundam Pilots in the locker room when KD & RP left;

Take 1;

Heero is to put the safety back on the gun and lay it down

Heero="Who were they?"

Heero is lowers the gun to the ground, but it slips out of his hands and fells to the floor, setting it off. The bullet blazes by Quatre's head and penitrates through the locker behind him.

Quatre="hu hu .......

Duo="Oh SHIT!!!"

Duo runs to the locker pushing Quatre out of the way, and opens it up.


Duo slumps to the ground holding his head in his hands. There in his locker on the top shelf a 2L carton of chocolate milk with bullet holes in it spewed out all its contents.

Take 2;

Heero is to lower his gun and lay it down.

Heero="Who were they?"


The locker behind Quatre flys open and a bundle of junk topples out.

Quatre="Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! ougf!"

Duo walks over to Quatre who is piled under a bunch of his junk, and bends over.

Duo="Hey this is where it went too! Thanks man!"



Kristy & Rhonda in the hallway heading to the hanger:

Take 1;


Rhonda, Kristy, & the Pilots in the hanger:

Take 1;

Kristy is talking to the pilots when they notice that Rhonda is missing.

Duo="Hey were did Rhonda go?"


Editor="CUT! Hey where's Rhonda?"

Then Wing Zero's eyes light up.

Heero="What? NOOOO!"

RP="Hey! What's this button do?"

Wing Zero begins to light up.


KABOOM!!!!!! a few minutes later

RP="Hey I'm alright!"

Heero="But not for long!!!"

Rhonda runs away as Heero chases her around the hanger.

RP="Kristy help!!!"

Take 2;

Kristy is talking to the pilots when they notice that Rhonda is missing.

Duo="Hey where did Rhonda go?"


Editor="OOkay what's the problem now!?"

RP="It won't start!"

Wufei="Typical women"

Take 3;

Kristy is talking to the pilots again when they notice that Rhonda is missing.

Duo="Hey where did Rhonda go?"

Deathsycthe's eyes light's up.

KD="She wouldn't would she?"

RP="....... Um what's my line again?"

Everyone plumets to the ground.

Take 4;

Rhonda acitvate's Deathsycthe's saber staff and she is to swing it around but she loses her grip and drops it.

RP="Ahhhh watch out below!"

Everyone runs away, except for Kristy who is frozen in fear. The staff lands a few feet away from her.

RP="Um Kristy?"

KD="Must kill, Must die"

RP="Um I think that's a wrap! CUT!"

Editor="Hey that's my line!"

Take 5;

Kristy and Wufei are ready to fight. Wufei is to punch Kristy in the stomach lightly, but hard enough so it looks like he hit her with all his might.

Wufei="Is that a challenge WOMEN?"

KD="Darn right it was!"


Wufei hits Kristy in the stomach, and Kristy tumbles over in pain.

Wufei="Oh I'm sorry are you all right?"

KD="Ohhhh the pain!!!!!"

RP="Oh my god! Kristy are you all right? Hurry someone call a medic!"

Take 6

Kristy and Wufei are squaring off and are ready to fight.

Wufei="is that a challenge!"

Everything was quiet, until the soundtrack of "U.G.L.Y." started to play in the background. Kristy straightened up and started to point at Wufei.

KD=" U.G.L.Y. You got no Alliby, you ugly hey hey you ugly!!"

Wufei="Shut up WOMAN!!!!!"

Editor=" CUT!! Who's playing that damn music!!!"

Duo snikered in the distance as he & Rhonda ran off the set carrying a CD player


Duo & Rhonda at Duo's favorite spot:

Take 1;

Rhonda is to storm over to the truck, and tell Duo to get in. But instead she get's in the drivers seat and drives off.

Duo="Hey! Don't leave me here!! My Twinkies are in there!"

Duo starts running after the truck, but then stops as empty Twinkie wrappers were thrown out of the truck window, and lands, infront of Duo on the ground. Duo slumps to his knees, and gently picks up the wrappers. Tears fill Duo's eyes.


Take 2;

Duo and Rhonda are now sitting on the ground on top of the hill.

RP="Oh it sure is a nice night out huh?"

Duo inches closer to Rhonda. But then stops as a loud creaking noise came above his head. Duo glances up and notices the plaster moon plumiting towards his head.




Duo="Augh! ... . Just peachy!"

Duo's body twitched underneath the ruble.

Take 3;

It is now the climax of the scene and Rhonda and Duo are to kiss.

Rhonda leans in closer to Duo and slowly closes her eyes.

RP=" duo ......"

Duo reaches out his hand and gently carresses her check and he to slowly leaned in closer. Everything went silent.

Vvvvvrrrrrmmmmmmnnnnnnnn click

Editor="Hey what's going on! What happened to the lights!?"

Duo="Boy Rhonda your much more softer then I expected! hee hee!"

Bbbbrrrmmmmnnnnn The lights flickered back on, and laughter started to fill in the room.

Duo="Ahhh come on guys can't you see that we want to be alone!"

Editor="What the! Duo what are you doing!!!"

Duo turns around and stares at a blown up female doll.

KD="Well at least he doesn't have to worry about protection."

Take 4;

Rhonda and Duo are kissing. On top of the hill.

Editor="Okay people that's a rap!"


Editor="Duo ... Rhonda .... you can stop now!!!!"


Editor="Augh! Someone call a technicion. We have to get these two apart."


Kristy & the guys at Quatre's house when Duo and Rhonda arrives:

Take 1;

Rhonda has just stormed into the house and was directed towards where she was staying.

Rhonda storms past the group and started to storms up the stairs. But when she reaches the top of the staircase she turns around and stares at the banester. A wicked smirk spread across her face. And she lifted her leg over the banister and slides down it.

RP="I allways wantted to do that!"

Editor=" CUT"

Take 2;

Rhonda is to storm past the group and go up the stairs. But when she reaches half way up she slips and falls back down the stairs.

RP="oufff augh oufff augh!! BANG!"

Rhonda blinks and stares up at the ceiling from her lying position.

RP=" When I find out who put those skates on the stairs I sware ..."

Duo runs off of the stage.


Rhonda is upstairs in Quatre's mansion, looking for her room

Take 1;

RP="Hmmm maybe this is it?"



RP= <blushes> "Oops sorry!" turns around and shuts door. "Gross is that what it looks like!!? Yuck!!!!!"

Take 2;

Kristy is walking down the hallway heading towards their room, when a mysterious half naked guy comes storming out of one of the rooms. Mumbling something about women. Kristy raises her hands in protest and starts to head in the opposite direction.

KD=" I don't even want to know!"

Man=" I can't believe I let them write this story in my house!!!!!"



Duo & Rhonda on the couch;

Take 1;

(Duo is to straddle Rhonda, and tickle her until she confeses, but then they kiss.)

Duo wrestled Rhonda back down on the couch, and he got on top of her and straddled her hips, he began to tickle her, and Rhonda burst's out laughing. Duo then stops and they peered into each others eyes passionately.

pppppfffffftttttttttt ....... toot!

RP=" Ahhhhhh GROSS!!!!!" starts to struggle "GET OFF OF ME YOU PIG!!!!"

Duo= "What! I'm just breathing out my other end?"

Heero and Kristy burst out laughing as Duo let out another one on top of Rhonda.

RP= sniff sniff ..... hak hak .... "Augh! I think I'm gonna hurl!"


Take 2;