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HEY!!!! Meow! DUO GET OFF OF THERE! (runs after cat, but the cat was too fast, but the dog runs after it barking) That's it Chico show that cat who's boss! Ah look at the mess. (sighs and shakes head back and forth) Well at least the story is still good. Enjoy while I get my cat away from my dog. (runs after the cat and dog) Meow! Bark! Bark! CHICO! DUO! STOP THAT!!!!

I just want to say that I do not own the characters from the show, but I do own the characters that the original's meet. You'll understand when you read.


The Vision of Escaflowne ~ The Dracoinian Sphere"


Chapter Twelve

"GADDESS LOOK!" yelled Milerna, as the strange black vortex suddenly got bigger.

Gaddess ran up beside Millerna and peered out the window at the vortex. "What the ...?" stammered Gaddess. Then four bodies were tossed out of the vortex and they landed on the ground in a pile. Gaddess turned around and faced Reeden. "Reeden! Grab some men and come with me!" ordered Gaddess, and then with that Gaddess ran out of the room with Reeden and a couple of men following him behind him.


Gaddess and Reeden stopped abruptly as the figures came into view. There lying on the ground were Allen, Van, Merle, and a strange looking boy. "Allen? ...." stuttered Gaddess, a surprised expression swiped through the group. "Quick! Get them to the crusade stat stat!" yelled Gaddess.

All the men snapped to attention and they scurried over to the four figures and carried them over to the crusade. Gaddess turned around to look over at the vortex but just as mysterious as it appeared it was gone. {Strange?} thought Gaddess. Gaddess turned around and started to walk fast back towards the crusade.


"Baado! What do you want of the girl Hoshino?" asked Dravo as he stood infront of Hitomi who was lying on the ground. Dravo looked over at Baado and his eyes went cold. "Why didn't you let ME finish them off." growled Dravo.

Baado smirked at the remark and chuckled to himself. Then from one of the open windows Lavar appeared and landed beside Baado. Baado turned his attention to Lavar. "Take the girl Hoshino to the med. lab and prepare her for tomorrow." said Baado, Lavar nodded and then he went up to Hitomi and hoisted her over his shoulder and started to carry her down the hall. Baado then turned towards Dravo, and smiled at him. "Don't worry Dravo you'll get your chance." and then with that Baado turned around and followed Lavar.

Dravo watched them as they turned around a corner and disappeared from sight. {What are you up too Baado? ...... Hmf! We'll meet again Van, but next time, we WON'T be interrupted.} snickered Dravo to himself. A crash of lightening by passed the open windows of the hallway casting Dravo's shadow down the hall.


Next morning (one day left to Hitomi's


BEEP! ... BEEP! ... BEEP!

Van's eyes started to wedge open, a bright light made him to cover his face. "Ugh! Hitomi?" mumbled Van. Blurry figures were standing infront of him, but he couldn't make them out.

"Oh Lord Van! Your okay!!!" came a very familiar voice.

"We worried the worst for you Van. I was afraid that we wouldn't have are old sparings anymore." came another familiar voice.

"Now's not the time for that! He's badly injured, he has to rest!" came a feminine voice.

"Gesh! Just like a women to worry so much!" came another familiar voice.

"Oh shutup! Can't you see he's awake! MEOWR!!!!" hissed one of the figures.

"OH YOU SHUTUP!!" growled the voice beside her.

"Hey stop it you two!" came a feminine voice.






"STOP IT YOU TWO!!!" came a very deep toned voice.

"Hey let me go!!!" growled the boy.

"Oh just one more time!!" hissed the girl.

Van sat up in the bed and adjusted his sight. There on the left were Millerna and Gaddess, and at the foot of the bed was Allen who was holding Merle and Ryu apart from each other. On his left were toppled over tray's and chairs. Van raised his right hand to his forehead and rubbed his head. Merle turned her head over at Van and noticed that he was sitting up, her face lightened up in joy, and she pushed herself away from Allen's grasp, and she leaped on top of the bed and wrapped her arms around Van's neck.

"Oh Lord Van!! I was sooo worried!" sobbed Merle, as she clenched on tighter to Van's neck.

"Oh Merle ..." Van smiled and he looked around the room. He then noticed that he was on the crusade. Van's eyes widened in shock and he looked over at Millerna and Gaddess. "Hitomi! Where's Hitomi!?" asked Van, everyone's eyes dropped to the ground. "Are ... are we ... are we back on Gaea?" stuttered Van.

"No. Were still on Dai Ginga." stated Allen.

Van looked over at Millerna and Gaddess. "But how ...?" asked Van.

"We don't know. All we know is that Escaflowne was part of the reasoning." said Millerna.

"Escaflowne?" said a very confused Van.

"Escaflowne? You mean it's here?" asked Allen, as he looked over at Millerna and Gaddess.

"Yes. And so is Scherazade. Sir." said Gaddess, as he turned his gaze over at Allen.

"Um excuse me?" said Ryu.

"So what happened?" asked Merle, as she interrupted Ryu.

"Escalflowne just started to resonate, and then there was a bright blue pillar of light." said Gaddess.

"Hey um?" said Ryu.

"But! Escaflowne doesn't even have an energist. How can it function?" asked Van.

"I don't know! We ....."

"WHAT IS AN ESCAFLOWNE!!!!" yelled Ryu, everyone looked over at Ryu in confusion.

"Boy you are stupid aren't you?" said Merle, Ryu glared over at Merle.

"Escaflowne is an Ispano Guymelef." said Allen.

Ryu was now more then ever dumbfounded on what was going on. "Ugh! It's a giant robot, that you fight in!!" huffed Merle.

"Awe!! So why didn't you just say so." said Ryu, as he crossed his arms.

Merle growled to herself. "Ugh MEN!" huffed Merle.

Everyone started talking about Escaflowne, and what had happened to it. When Reeden suddenly burst through the doors with two small children under his arms. Everyone turned around to see what was the matter.

"Reeden? ..." said Millerna.

"Huh??? ALLEN!!!!!"

The two children squirmed out of Reeden's grasp and lounged towards Allen and clung to his side. Millerna looked over at Allen with a confused expression on her face. {Boy how long was I gone?} thought Millerna to herself. The two children peered over Allens side and noticed Van sitting on the bed, both of their faces lightened up, and they scurried on top of the bed and pushed Merle out of the way, and on to the floor.


"Hey watch what your doing!!" yelled Merle.


Van's face dropped open as the faces of Lila and Dwalden came into view. The twins leaped on top of Van's chest making him fall back on to his back.

"Lila! Dwalden! What are you doing here! I told you to stay where you were!" asked Allen, in a deep voice.

"Oh these are the twins that you met in the woods?" said Merle, as she lifted herself off of the floor.

"We swaw the flying swip. So we cwame to invustugate." said Dwalden.

Allen crossed his arms and stared down at the twins. "We'll since there already here, they might as well stay." said Millerna as she turned her gaze to the twins. The twins face lightened with enjoyment.

"But Millerna! ....." said Allen, but he was cut off when the twins grabbed Millerna's hand.

"Are you hungry I'm excellent cook!" said Lila, and then with that Lila and Dwalden dragged Millerna out of the room.

Allen sighed deeply, and then followed after Millerna and the twins. "I better go and help! They might burn the ship down."

Ryu and Merle looked at each other and giant smiles spread across their faces. "FOOD!!!" They chimed together, and then with that they both ran out of the room and headed for the eating sector.

Van sat up once again, and lowered himself over the bed. The bandage that was around his mid waist that Father Whales put on him, when he first arrived was removed. Van rubbed his side, and then he reached over and grabbed his top that was lying on the shelves across from him. {Escaflowne. So my burden with you is still not over.} thought Van to himself, as he reached into one of his pockets and removed an emerald energist. He lifted the energist to his face and he peered down at it, visions of his mother and Hitomi flashed in his mind. {Hitomi..... I will protect you! No matter WHAT the cost!} Van clenched his hand around the energist and he headed out the door of the med. room, and headed for the hanger.


Lavar and Baado entered the med. lab with Hitomi. "Put the girl Hoshino in the chair." ordered Baado.

Lavar nodded and he walked over to the restraining chair in the center of the room, and laid Hitomi down, and strapped her down firmly. He then walked over to the other side of the chair and waited further instructions. Baado stepped away from the doorway and walked into the room, and headed for the chair. His eyes gleamed an evil red, as an evil smirk spread across his face. He peered down at the sleeping maiden, and chuckled to himself.

"Finally after years of waiting. It's finally mine!" huffed Baado, as he continued to stare. Lavar stood there listening intently. "Finally the power to rule this pathetic world and others, WILL be mine!!!" Baado chuckled to himself, and he flipped his cape over his shoulder. "Lavar! Prepare the procedure! We must start to extract the powers within her body as soon as possible!"

"But sssir! The machinesss will take sssome time to warm up! .... It will take a great deal of time to extract her power with sssuch, weak power." hissed Lavar, as he pointed towards the Dowsung machine.

Baado jolted his head up and glared at Lavar. "You insolent FOOL! I thought I told you yesterday! To prepare the girl!" growled Baado.

Lavar staggered backwards in fright, as a black ball of electricity started to form in Baado's right hand. "I'm sssorry my Lord! I wasss unaware of all the detailsss! Plusss I thought that the girlsss powersss were to be removed by tomorrow?" yelped Lavar, as he raised his right hand infront of his face.

"YOU IDIOT!!!!!!" yelled Baado, and he flung the ball of electricity at Lavar. Lavar screamed in agony, as the electricity passed through his body. When the electricity stopped Lavar fell to one knee, and groaned in pain. "YOU FOOL!!!! We don't have the time to deal with minor details!!! With those pesistent pest's on the lose, we have to go ahead as planned!"

"You mean there ssstill alive, much lesssss ssstill in thisss world?" asked Lavar, as he raised himself off of the ground. "But why didn't you jussst get rid of thossse foolsss? With your ssstrength they would of never of lived!?" hissed Lavar.

Baado narrowed his eyes and glared at Lavar. He knew why he couldn't force himself to kill those insignificant fools. They would of died easily by just one hand, and it would of been over. But something deep inside, this worthless shell of the body that he was in, made him feel pity, and self remorse, for the fools. Baado tightened his hands into fists, for he knew that the soul of the real Baado was still inside this worthless body, preventing him to do any real harm. Baado then chuckled to himself, as he realized. For when the power of the girl Hoshino enters him, the pathetic soul of Baado will disappear forever!

Lavar just stared at Baado, in confusion. "Don't worry about thossse insufficient foolsss my Lord. I will deal with them if they dare to interfere with your plansss." hissed Lavar.

"You better for your sake! For if those fools don't kill you. I will!" said Baado, Lavar nodded and he headed out the door.

When Lavar left the med. lab Baado turned his attention to Hitomi. He then grabbed a needle on a tray and injected her. "I hope you have a nice sleep. For it will be your last!" A triumph smile spread across his face, "Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!"


Van entered the hanger and walked over to Escaflowne. He stood infront of it on the ground and peered up at it. {Well long time no see. I thought I was through with you old body, but I guess I was mistaken. Now lets get this over with!} thought Van to himself. Van reached into his pocket and pulled out the emerald energist and lifted it above his head.

"I Van Fanel

King of all Fanelia

Bind myself by blood pact to thee Escaflowne

Thou sleeping dragon


The pink sphere on Escalfowne radiated and started to pulse. Van then climbed up to the sphere and inserted the emerald energist into the cavity. Escalflowne started to come to life, as the emerald energist started to pulse.

"Lord Van?"

Van turned around to see Merle standing at the foot of Escaflowne. He then jumped off and landed infront of her. "What is it Merle?" asked Van.

Merle's eyes started to fill up with tears. "Promise me! Promise me that you won't go off and do this on your own Lord Van!?" stammered Merle, a shock expression came across Van's face. "I know .... I know ... I know that you lov....." Merle trailed off, Van looked at her questionably. "VAN! You just have to promise that you won't go off by yourself! No heroics!! Promise me!!!" tears streamed down Merle's face.

"Okay Merle. I promise." said Van in a calm voice.

Merle's eyes lightened up a little, and then she raised her left hand and started to wipe away her tears. "I'm sorry for spurting out like that! I have to go!" chuckled Merle, and then she ran off out of the hanger, passing by Ryu.

"Boy you sure do have a way with women!" said Ryu as he watched Merle run out of sight. He then turned around to face Van. "WOW!!!! IS THAT ESCAFLOWNE!!!!?????" yelled Ryu, as he gazed up at Escaflowne. Van smiled and nodded. "WOW TRAY COOL!!!!!" Ryu walked up beside Van and gawked up at Escaflowne, he then got out of his excitement and faced Van. "You know! I can help ya!" said Ryu with a huge smile.

Van looked at him suspiciously. "You! ... How can you help us? Do you have a guymelif too?" asked Van as he raised an eyebrow.

"Something even better!" smirked Ryu. "But it's a surprise!" and then Ryu turned around and marched off out of the hanger. Van watched Ryu suspiciously. {What is he up too?} thought Van. Van then turned his gaze to Escaflowne, and then he too headed out of the hanger, and headed for the eaten sector.

(After eating, and plenty of pain killers after. They are all in Allen's HQ's planning on the next strategy)

"So that's the plan. Reeden, Gaddess, Myself and the rest of the men, will storm Arnpria in our Guymelifs, and distract the enemy. While Van enters the castle to rescue Hitomi. Escaflowne will be near by, for you to escape, and for safety measures. We can't have any mistakes, in this men. We only have one chance at this, and that's it! Got it!" ordered Allen, as he looked around the room.

"Yes Sir!!" came the reply.

"Good! Now Ryu! Do the gaurds of Arnpria have any machines like the ones that we have?" said Allen as he looked over at Ryu.

Ryu looked over at Allen, and nodded. "Ya they have something similar, to your Guymelifs, but they don't run on dragon hearts. Their not built for speed, but they do pack quiet a wallop, if they get their hands on you though!" said Ryu, as he crossed his arms. "But I don't think you have to worry about the GUARDS that much. There push over's, it's Maru's mobile suit that you have to look out for. It's built for speed, strength, and defense, it's the new robo tech. that's out. If I were you, he's the one I would focus on!" Ryu started to nod his head.

"If your soo confident, why aren't you going in to battle with them?" huffed Merle.

"Because. ..... I'm needed here! To protect the weak girls!!!!! On this ship!!!" huffed Ryu.

Merle glared at Ryu. "Sure. Sure. Your just scared that's all!!!" smirked Merle.

"I AM NOT!!!!!" yelled Ryu, as he raised his fists at Merle.

"Stop it you two!! This is not the time!!" yelled Allen. Both Merle and Ryu turned their heads away from each other and huffed. "So that's the plan. We strike at dawn. I suggest that you ALL get some rest!" said Allen. Everyone nodded and left Allen's room, except for Van. Allen looked over at Van and smiled. "Don't worry Van, Hitomi's gonna be all right! It's late. We better get some rest." said Allen, and he escorted Van out of his room.

Van walked on to the deck and peered out the window, and stared up at the black sky. Three blue planets hung in the sky, everything was silent. Shouting stars started to streak through the sky and disappear from sight. He sighed to himself and he rested his arms on the railing and rested his chin on his arms. He stared out over the field, and watched as the tree tops swung ever so lightly back and forth. "Hitomi ......."


To Be Continued ....



DUO!!!! (drops cat on floor) Go AWAY! (cat walks out of room)So it seems that the gang are all together now, well except Hitomi of course. And their planning a strategic battle plan. Ohhh smart. Coming up next on "The Vision of Escaflowne ~ The Dracoinian Sphere". Huh? What's this!? Lavar is going after Van!? (gasps in horror and covers mouth) Oh no! Will Van be able to stand up against such a ruthless warrior, or will this be his final act of bravery! Find out in the next chapter.