The Fury Pest

>All the guys are at Quatre's mansion sitting in his oversized living room. Quatre stood on the far side practicing his violin, Trowa was playing along with his flute. Wufei and Duo were sitting on the floor at the coffee table playing chess, and Heero sat in a chair by the fireplace reading the newspaper.


Wufei: Damn it Maxwell! Play it right!

Duo: Ahhhh! This is TOO confuesing! Wufie!

Wufei: Don't call me that breaded baka! It's WUFEI!!!

Duo: Ya! Ya! I know Wu-man!

Wufei: Augh!!!!!


>Wufei stands up abrutlly and grabs his kantanas that were lying down beside him.


Duo: Whoa! I was just kidding, Wufie!

Wufie: Thats it! Maxwell!!


>Wufei then lounes after Duo swinging his kantanas over Duo's head.


Duo: Hey watfch it! That almost got me!

Wufei: Damn I missed!


>Heero peers a gaze at the two imature people who are running around the living room. He shakes his head back and forth, and turns his attention back to his newspaper. Quatre stops playing just to see Duo duck behind the couch as Wufei slashes at his bread.


Quatre: Stop it you two! Stop fighting!

>Wufei: Shut-up weakling!

Duo: Hey don't call him that Wu-man!

Wufei: BAKA!!!!!!


>Wufei thrusts his sword into the couch missing Duo's stomach by inches.


Quatre: My couch!!!!!


>Wufei pulls his kantanas out and feathers flew out every where.


Duo: Hey it's a good thing that you got this at a garage sale.


>Quatre slumps his head down and sighs as feathers lightly fell down from the air. Wufei then turns around and leaves, getting bored of chasing Duo around. Duo smiles triumphetly and stands up. Quatre then lays his viloin down on a table and walks out of the living room and headed towards the kitchen, Duo follows him just like a puppy. Heero then folds his paper and heads outside to fix up his Gundam. Wufei grabs his kantanas and leaves heading to his bedroom. And Trowa heads to the bathroom. A few minutes later Quatre and Duo returns from the kitchen.


Duo: Quatre my good man! You'll have to tell your servants to get more groceries. I mean look! This is too tie me over.

Quatre: What do you mean! That food was to suppose to last us for a month!

Duo: What this little bit!


>Duo shruges his shoulders and he starts to pile his food into his mouth. Quatre sighs.


Quatre: Man at this rate, I'll be poor!

Duo: Did you say something? I didn't hear you over my eating.

Quatre: Duo if it wasn't for your big mouth I would think that your stomach would be the largest thing.

Duo: ???


>Quatre then stands up and walks over to where his violin was lying down and picks it up. But when he picks it up it falls apart in his hands.


Quatre: What the!? My violin!!

Duo: Hey Whatcha do that for? I mean your playing wasn't that bad!


>Quatre stares at Duo, and Duo went silent. Just the somethin long and black scurried past the couch. Duo leaps into the air and stands up on a chair, and Quatre went white in the face.


Duo: What was that!!

Quatre: ...


>Then the black long thing scurried under a chair by the fireplace.


Duo: Ahhhhh! Go away! Go away!


>Duo picks up a peice of left over chicken leg and tosses it at the chair. The black creature hissed from under the chair, and started to run towards Duo. Duo screams as the creature runs up the sleve of his pants. He jumps off of the table and he started to run in circles, trying to get his pants on done. Heero and the other guys run into the room, when they heard Duo screaming like a pansy.


Wufei: What is going on in here!


>But then Duo's pants slammed into his face, and the creature fell to the floor.


Quatre: A RAT!!!!!!!


>Quatre clenches his viloin more tightly. Duo jumps up on a table, just wearing his black top, and a pair of black boxers with happy faces on them. Heero just eyes the rat, as it sat there terrified, Wufei scowls in disgust as he slams Duo's pants on to the floor. Trowa just smiles calmly, and then he started to reach down to pick up the rat.


Trowa: An animal only bares it's teeth to the enemy. It is allways true to their feel.........


>Just when Trowa lowered his hand to the rat. The rat clamped down on his hand.


Trowa: Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!


>Trowa brought his hand up and started to shake the rat off, but it held on fast, biting deeper and deeper into his flesh.



Duo: Hey Trowa! I don't think he likes ya!


>Trowa eyes Duo angerly. Wufei the grabs the rat's tail and started to pull. Trowa pulls against him and grinds his teeth, as the rat was torn off his hand. Wufei tosses the rat to the ground underneath Duo. Duo freaked out and jumps off of the table, but slips on some food and falls to the floor. He then stands up and scurries over towards Heero, Trowa, and Wufei, he then turns around to look under the table to see that the rat was gone.


Duo: Hey where did it go?

Trowa: ...

Heero: ...

Wufei: ...

Duo: Hmph! I guess it ran away! I don't blame it though! After all it was touched by Wufei, it probably went off to get itself clean.

Trowa: ...

Heero: ...

Wufei: ...


>Duo spins around and faces the three guy's.


Duo: Hey what's with the silent treatment? Quatre did I miss something?

Quatre: ...

Duo: Why does the back of my head feel heavy?

Quatre: D .... D ... Duo the rat!!!!

Duo: RAT WHERE!!!!!!!!


>Duo spins around fast just to see the rat hanging from the tip of his bread, go flipping back over his shoulder.


Duo: Ahhhhhhh!!!!! MY HAIR!!!!!!!


>Duo starts to spin around in circles, with the rat holding on tight, but then the rat went flying off his bread, and slammed into Wufei's face. Wufei screamed as the rat snagged on to his nose and bit hard. It's nails dug into his flesh.


Wufei: Damn baka! This is all your fault! Get it off!!


>Heero then went to punch the rat, but the rat then let go of Wufei's nose, and slithered down his top, just when heero punched Wufei in the face. Wufei stumbled backwards and fell back on his back, and layed on the floor. The other guys gathered around Wufei, and peered down at the buldge in his top, then a yellow stain started to spread across Wufei's top. The guys staggered backwards as Wufei's top started to tear.


Duo: I know this scene! It's from "Aliens"! Quick someone get a flame thrower.


>The rat tore through Wufei's top and ran over towards Quatre. Quatre faints, and collapes on the ground. The rat ran over Quatre's passed out body, leaving a rat shit trail up his body. But then stop's on his face and rizes up on it's hunches and starres at the other four guys, just then Heero pulls out his gun, and points it at the rat. Quatre blinks his eyes and then notices the rat sitting on his face. He opened his mouth to scream, but something round and slimy piled into his mouth. Quatre gagged and he sat up quickly. The rat scurrried off into the corner. Duo the leans over the knocked out Wufei.


Duo: You know, that look suits him better!

Quatre: hak hak cough hak gag!!!!

Trowa: ...


>Heero aims his gun at the rat and fires. But his aim was off and it skids across the rats back.


Heero: Damn!


>Trowa then reaches down at Wufei and grabs one of his kantana's and runs off after the rat.


Heero: ...

Wufei: ... zzzzzzzzzz

Quatre: hak hak cough cough! Augh I need mouth wash!!!!!!!!

Dou: Hey Trowa! I think your gaining!!


>The rat then disappeared from sight. Everyone went silent until Heero let out a surprised gasp. Trowa, Quatre, and Duo turned to face Heero to see the rat clinging from Heero's crouch. Not biting but digging it's claws in tightly. It's beedy black eyes stared at the three shocked guys.



Heero: *deathglare* DON'T YOU DARE MAXWELL!!!!!


>Heero then turns his attention at Trowa who held a small knife in his hand.


Trowa: Don't worry I been practicing!

Heero: On your sister right!? You HAVE beem successful!

Trowa: ...

Duo: Trowa?

Trowa: Well my sister said, that my dummies WOULD of survived if they were alive ......

Duo: Well isn't that a load off!

Trowa: That is! With MINOR casualities.

Heero: ...

Duo: ...

Quatre: Oh no!


>Trowa tosses the knife but the rat let's go off it's hold and scampers across the floor and headed towards the front door.


Heero: ...

Duo: gasp!

Quatre: ...

Wufei: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Trowa: Oops!


>Heero's pants were split open by the knife, missing his private region only by a few inches.


Duo: Hey Heero! I didn't know that you liked the "Bug Bunny Show"!


>Trowa and Quatre stared at Heero's printed under wear that had Peppy Le Peau on them, and other characters.


Heero: *deathglare*

Duo: Okay shutting up already.


>Then a loud bang and squish echoed through Quatre's mansion, as Relena burst though the front door.


Relena: HEERO!!!!!!!!!!


>Relena stormed inside the room and slammed the door shut. She then turned aroud mortified as a dead flat rat toppled down to the ground.


Relena: Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Heero: Well at least she's good for something!


The End